Valley Comfort Systems

Commercial HVAC

What to Consider When Buying a Commercial HVAC System

It’s more than just comfort

Office temperatures are about more than simply short-term comfort. Optimal office temperatures can influence creativity, increase productivity, and even affect how many errors employees make. And, of course, it’s important that employees have a pleasant office atmosphere, which increases long-term employee morale and makes for happier staff.

While new heating and cooling systems are an expense, they are also a long-term investment in company infrastructure and our environmental future. About 19% of the U.S.’s energy is consumed in commercial buildings, and HVAC systems account for about 40% of that energy usage. With a new HVAC system,companies can both save money on monthly heating costs as well as minimize waste and increase efficiency.According to the U.S. Department of Energy, commercial buildings right now waste on average 30% of the energy used, which leaves lots of room for cost and efficiency improvements.

Moreover, even as a new HVAC system can lead to lower monthly energy costs, it can also lead to fewer repairs. Newer equipment comes with a warranty, which can eliminate short-term repair costs. In addition,newer equipment means fewer expensive repairs across the board, as repairing older systems can become increasingly costly as a unit ages.

Choosing the right HVAC system

When choosing a new commercial HVAC system, bigger is not necessarily better; in fact, units that are too big can overproduce and become inefficient. Consumers should carefully consider the size of the space that needs to be cooled and get the appropriately sized unit. In addition, they should consider the current make-up of the building. If it lacks centralized duct work, buyers may want to consider a ductless system.

Also, businesses should consider what other options are necessary for the space. What kinds of filtration systems will be necessary to ensure good air quality? How much of the year will heating be necessary, as opposed to air conditioning? Will the space need more or less humidity? All of these will factor into which system is right for that business.

Office air conditioners can also be assigned a SEER rating (which measures cooling efficiency) and a Sound Number Rating (which measures the unit’s noise levels). Both of these can be important to a business's bottom line and comfort level. However, it is important to note that more efficient units may be more expensive, but can save money in the long run if the business continues in with that unit.

Getting the right commercial HVAC installation

Businesses should consider installation from the beginning of the process. Excellent HVAC installers should be able to help determine which HVAC system works best for the commercial space. Moreover, an HVAC installation company that can also repair will be more successful at diagnosing specific problems that may arise in the space and lead companies to systems that will require fewer repairs.

For more specific expertise, speak to an installation professional or schedule an appointment to discuss the best office heating or air conditioning system for your commercial property.